At last, this day has come and I had turned to 18~ Praise the Lord. I received many well wishes via Short Message Sevice. I woke up at 7am, brush teeth, bathe and get ready to go Singapore Indoor Stadium for service. My aunty give me $10 as my birthday present. I go off at 735am. I missed the train.. Got to wait... Time go by and it 8am and I suppose to meet my friends at 825am. When i transfer to other line it was 845am..
When I reached Kallang MRT it is 910am, Wow, I was late..

Say sorry to my friends. Then, we saw mcdonald full of people, we went to the coffee shop to eat breakast.. When I brought the food from a stall in XXX coffee shop, the food is so yucks, not nice to eat, I asked my friends to try to eat and if they like, i asked them to finish the food. When we finished our food and drink, we take a cab to go to Singapore Indoor Stadium.
When we reached the venue, it was so packed with a long Q.. So we Q-ing up the line to go in the hall for service. Before we can go in, we got to check for security purpose from the managment of Singapore Indoor Stadium after since the 911. When we reached the hall, we are given an Red-packet and Minisitry Today magazine. The hall packed with full of people.. At last, the service started, Singing praise and worship..
After Praise and worship, We heard an testimony how God help a brother from a almost drop-out student to get A* and the mlitry give him spouser to get his master/degree.. After the good testimony, we got a good preaching from our pastor. The topic for today is how you set a goal-setting. We got to set a SMART target.. The service ended at 130pm. Then, my cell-group all meet together to welcome new friends who first joined church and recalled the preaching, but to my surprise they celebrate my birthday.. Then, the whole cell group pray for me.. After that the cell group, bless cell group leader a mobile phone.. Cell group leader was so touched.. We went to shopping mall near to the stadium to eat for lunch, but it was full-packed. So we packed away burger King food and went to 2nd floor to fellowship..
After fellowship, some of us decided to go to city area like "suntec" and some decided to go home. When we reach suntec some of us walk around then some of us decided to stay the place till night. We walk to the fountain of wealth.. It is the largest fountain in the world and heard that it bring "luck" to the people who walked 3 rounds.. There a special event in there. We realised that, Singapore media works and ren ci had organise an charity. There two events held at suntec. One is a monk, keep in the box full of 1,000 KG of ice and other is an artist, walked over the next towers on 45th storey.
It was so darely for a girl to walked over it.. When the artist cross over it, alot of people cheer and support the artist and the other is when the monk step in a box and put with ice, some full with tears as it is an dangerous event and it may cause to be stoke. Many people cheers and asked people to call the hotline to ask them to call the hotline and make charity as it is LIVES telecast. The monk stay till 22 minutes and 50 seconds. As the doctor asked him to stop as it is dangerous..
It was late, we decided to go home.. Well it was my best day that I ever had.. It was so blessed with a preaching, charity and a great day. I also thanks to kenneth to remember my birthday and tell people that it my birthday.. I will always remember this day.