Well, right now is 10 January 2004 and I should not write in here. But, I want to let you all know how the events was blessed to some of people who attend my church event.
Well, 1 week before christmas, my church had a event called christmas concert. All of us come to church 2 hours before the service start.. It sound like we are crazy.. But, we are not. We are excited and looked forward for this concert. It was so crowded and full pack of people.. We got to Q-up before going to the service. The ushers make sure all things are done properly.. Well, it time for us to go in for service. All of us rush to grab the seat for ourself and our new friends.. Soon, it was packed. Some of them cant even step-in the hall, so the ushers asked some of them go to the level one, level four to watch LIVE on Television. For us, we got the seat fast, if not, I think we should be at level one or level four by now.
Now, the concert had started.. All of us are excited.. All of us welcome back our pastor wife who is a international singer. Her name is call Sun, He Yao Sun. Sun had not come back for nearly one year as she was promote her album in all asia and USA. Well, she now started to sing her album song. After that, she started sharing her real life story that happen to her.. I was so touched by her story and nearly to cry.. I also found out that how God touches her, How God care about her. I looked around and saw some of the people also touched by her. After her story, the pastor come out and asked people for altar call/respone, I saw alots of people raise up their hand, praise the Lord.. The concert had ended.
[Few Days had Past]
It christmas day, our church organise an events called the christmas story ever told in the bible. It was full packed with people too and some of us Q-ing up before service. Same as christmas concert what we did.
Then, we are allow to go in the hall and take our seat, haha.. this time, we no need grab our seat as someone come in and help us booked the seat.. We are excited for the christmas story.. Soon after, the service started. We sing christmas song and wish everyone merry christmas and this song goes: "I want to wish you a merry christmas(X3) for the bottem of my heart.......
After the singing, the story started. It was a funny and good story.. it mixture the old and the modern world that we had lived. It was told how God used Mary and how Mary accpect the fact and joesph was at first mad with Mary but also accpect it. It was a really nice story after the story, the pastor come out and preach from the bible "LUKE". After that, he invited people for an altar call, many people raise their hand and some of them are crying.. Im sure, they Sense the presence of God in this hall.. concert ended..
It might sound boring to you. But for me, I enjoyed this service and was blessed

take care all..