The chinese new year is approaching and everyone is looking forward for this new year. In Singapore, Alot of shopping centre, Town council organise or preapre for the festival.. But for me and my family, Life wont be the same again.. It was the First New Year going to spend without our beloved Wai Po. (Mother's Mother, Grandmother). Everytime when it near Chinese new year, espcially my lated wai po. She always looked forward it as she can see everyone and can spend together and bring the laugher and joyce.. I remembed she say that If everyday is chinese new year, it will be more good.. But every year not everyone is present and come for this new year.. In my heart, I thought will my wai po be disappointed? When she cant see everyone?
It remined me of my younger age, everytime when we are free or every weekend we went to aunty house without fail.. I remembered she making alot of nice food from her home-town. Wai Po was from China. I remember she is a nice person.. I never saw her angry before.. If she angry, she will be fine soon.. I remembered we celebrated her birthday.. She also celebrated my younger brother birthday. Go out togther and was so much fun..
Last year, it was the last chinese new year for us.. after chinese new year around march, she fall down about 1 or 2 weeks she was sent to hospital for further checkout.. I visted her once in hospital with my church friends, at that time she was so cheerful. After that, there a Virus called "SARS" that makes whole world to be afraid.. We cant visit her because of sars.. We been waiting for the hospital to let us go in, but fail.. Soon after, she was transfer to the recovery hostipal it allow people to go in and to visit.. I was about think of going to visit her but she suddenly got fever cant visit her. As she had to Quarentted for 10 days.. I heard that from my aunty that she was shocked during the quarenttee as she dunno anything about that "SARS". And heard that she had a strock. In 10 June 2003, my church had a special event in 3 days.. I go for the first day. On the second days, When remembered praise and worship, I pray to the Lord that please make my wai po recovery and wont make her feel so pain and her strock will recovery, I suddenly dream of her, holding our hand when we are small and she was so cheerful and happy bring us out.. during the praise and worship. After that there was a break, I went to mcdonald wid my church friends then we went back to church again. I checked my mobile phone, I got alots of missed called and I received the SMS saying.. Wai Po is passed away at 2:32pm.. I listened to the voice mail saying please call back urgent your wai po is passed away.. I was shocked, speechless..
Then, I turn around to my church friends saying can i go off now? I passed my mobile phone to my church friend to read then I started crying.. None stop... Then someone come over me and corcern to me.. Then they bring me to outside and chatted with me and console to me.. I keep on crying even more.. I blaming myself why I cant see her for the last time.. Why i didnt check my mobile phone, why God didnt heard my prayer.. why why why? I dun believe it.. I keep on saying this.........
*Now, i start crying........ then..... my church help me to take my bag from the audiatium as I leave my bag in there.. and they console me and hold me tight ask me to be strong.. they gives me S$20 to take cab to settle it... When I recieved the place where my wai-po funeral should be at.. I saw no one.. I keep on to control myself not to cry.. I even Message my aunty in mobile phone asked can someone come here quick as I cant control myself and goin to cry soon.. When I saw her mum and my cousin arrived in cab.. My mum come near me and I started to cry.. And she also follow me to cry.. All my friend that know me come for the funeral to console and to respect my wai po.. My aunty church friends also came.. The funeral last for 5days.. Everything now is not the same again..
Right now, We try to be recovery from the lost.. everything now is past and let it be the momories tight in our heart.. This year is 2004 and make this is even more brighter.. And dun think it again.. But Im sure this chinese new year, we will be miss her again and might cry.. To let my wai po to had her dream come true, my cousin mother's organise an dinner to garther everyone.. I dunno If she make my wai po dream come true or just to celebrate.. I really pray that everything that she did is good and everyone will come for the dinner..
Please remember this, In Life, we got to treasure everyone, when they are dead or gone, you will be regretted.. For us, we want to visit my wai po becase of the "SARS" makes us cant see her.. I also pray that there no any Virus that makes people life hard and miserable.. Thank you for reading.. God bless you